Part 2

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It was a gentle morning, the first rays of sunlight tentatively felt their way through the curtains and fell softly onto the bed.
She lay there, still half caught in a dream, as the warmth of the sun gently touched her skin.
She slowly opened her eyes, her eyelids still heavy from sleep.
The comforter snuggled lightly against her body, but she could feel the cool morning air softly touching her exposed skin.

Her eyes wandered around, but she was in no hurry to get up.
This moment belonged only to her.
Her body felt pleasantly relaxed as she stretched slightly, raising her arms above her head and enjoying the pleasant tingling in her limbs.
The silky texture of the sheet beneath her tickled slightly and she smiled as thoughts of the day quietly drifted into her consciousness.

At that moment, everything was perfect – the peace and quiet, the gentle touch of the morning and the feeling that the day could begin in peace.
She let her fingers glide over the soft comforter and closed her eyes again for a brief moment, just to linger a little longer in this sensual moment.